Thursday, June 13, 2019

Realities and their Significance

The universe is the big circle (brahmanda) and every individual is a smaller circle (pindanda).
The individual is a mirror image or reflection of the universe. The mind is the medium or upadhi.
The Self of the universe is Ishwara or God and the self of the individual is jiva. Obviously the jiva
absolutely depends on the universe/God.

It is the ego that virtually separates the jiva from the universe/God. When the jiva blinded by his ego,
takes everything from the universe and does not give back then he will continue to suffer in samsara.
But when the jiva realizes that everything including himself belongs to the universe/God and so
constantly gives back taking only minimum, then he will move closer and closer to selflessness
leading to the Supreme God or Iswara or parabrahman. This process of giving back to the three
worlds of devatas/gods, humans and lower life forms is Yagya or sacrifice.

Man – stands for the body – ahankara - that performs work outside.
Chaturvarna is justified based on the four parts - head, arms, thighs and feet

Women – stands for the mind - mamakara - that resolves or makes sankalpa. Obviously mind is
common for all the body parts. Likewise Women as a tattava is common for all the respective varnas.

Women as a wife is the ardhAngi or better half of her man or husband.
Man is incomplete without women according to the Vedas.

Women is an amsha of Lakshmi who is a manifestation of Veda/dharma.
Man is an amsha of Vishnu who is the Ishwara who possesses and protects Lakshmi.

Lakshmi also stands for Maya and Vishnu for Ishwara.
Maya is also nature or SRI and Ishwara is the indweller of or endowed with Maya.
Maya tu prakritim vidyat Mayinam tu Maheshwaram.
Ishwara is thus Sri-Nivasa, one who indwells in nature.

Intellect stands for the Guru or Rishi

Speech - Veda

Devatas - 33 - five elements, five tanmatras, five pranas, five sense of knowledge,
               five sense of action, eight directions
               Another count - 12 adityas, 11 rudras, 2 ashwinis, 8 vasus

Heart - (source of existence/consciousness/bliss/experience) - God / Ishwara
Absolute Brahman - Ishwara - the origin, abode, destination of all, who illuminates, supports
and controls everything.

The absolute Self is Brahman or Truth or Ananda which is the complete from of Ishwara or God is
revealed when all others like thoughts-words-deeds are aligned. This happens when all activities have
the good of the universe as objective culminating in the service of God / Ishwara manifesting as the
universe. If any one is not aligned it results in untruth resulting in sorrow.

When all the realities are aligned culminating in the service of Brahman/Ishwara manifesting in the
form the universe then it becomes vedic, dharmic, righteous, religious, spiritual, and sustaining. If
not, it becomes non-vedic, adharmic, unrighteous, selfish, prakritik, or A-brahmic - interestingly it
matches with abrahamic views. No offence, it only means a-brahamic views that do not SEE God as Brahman manifesting as the universe are not complete. All non-vedic views are partial that always
leads to conflict and disharmony.

Husband and wife are related as body and mind. Men perform all vedic rites and women take part in
the sankalpam. It only means women who stand for the mind does not engage in any activity directly.
The mind always remains as a witness and it expresses through the body. No action vedic or material
will be fruitful if it is not attended by the mind and performed by the body. Ideally Women therefore
is a sahadharmachari - performer of dharma or duty along with their husband's dharma.

There is no discrimination or competition but only co-operation and diversity in action based on
physical/mental capability. The result in the form of sumptuousness and abundance is reaped by all.
Action compatible to one’s guna - BMI nature is liberating while actions based on one’s desire and
not compatible to one's guna is binding.


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