Thursday, June 20, 2019

Proper Upasana or Meditation

Proper Upasana, meditation or contemplation on Brahman, is based on proper
understanding or jnAna. Proper Jnana is to understand that Brahman is equally
present in all as the antaryAmi or innner Self of all.

This realization should make every sadhaka to seek the supreme truth or Brahman
everywhere and within oneself. Duty or dharma is thus two fold - Pravrutti and
Nivrutti. Serving Brahman who is everywhere through one's own profession with
thoughts, words and deeds aligned in accordance to one's capability or Guna is
Pravrutti and meditating on the supreme God or Brahman within oneself by
withdrawing senses and mind is Nivrutti.

The material returns that is obtained through Pravrutti which is one's own
profession is recommended to be utilized for sustaining oneself and family and part
of should also be given in charity to the deserving.

In Pravrutti there is a need to eradicate adharma or nishiddha or kamya karma.
Similarly in Nivrutti there is a need to eradicate kama and krodha (lust and anger).
In fact Parvrutti (action) and Nivrutti (meditation) are both inseparable and form
the two limbs of Dharma. While Pravrutti forms the service to the external
Brahman indwelling in all, Nivrutti is the service to the same Brahman indwelling
in one's own self. Though the Brahman is non-dual, the path towards the same in
the dualistic world comprising of right and wrong, poses a big challenge.

There is a great need therefore to exercise control over the senses and mind
and lead them on the path of the right Dharma or Svadharma that is compatible
with the nature of the body with which one is born. Controlling oneself from not
engaging in activities that is not prescribed or that which is not compatible
with the nature or guna of the body is very much essential. This self-control
is nothing but tapas or which is a must for yagya or sacrifice or worship. Vedas
are very clear that Brahman can be attained only through tapas (tapasA brahma
vijigyAsasva) which is essentially sense control. All the Vedic scriptures
provide the needed dos and donts for truth seekers but still when any subtle
doubt arises it is recommended to follow the tradition of one's own family, guru
or preceptors.

Our own body, mind and intellect is made of three gunas of prakrithi as opposed
to the jiva or self or atman who is essentially of the nature of knowledge. One
needs to resort to the prescribed profession or svadharma according to the Guna
of the body, mind and intellect (BMI) with which one is born and there is no
high or low feeling as it pertains to the nature of the body and not the self.
The entire society and world is the body of Brahman. There can be harmony only
when all the parts of the body are performing their respective duties. Thus
choosing a duty that is compatible with one's own guna (of BMI) into which one
is born is recommended. Obviously the family in which one is born also would be
of same guna or nature and this provides a proper environment for nurturing the
skills needed for the pravrutti dharma. So pravrutti or sva-dharma (or one's own
duty) as brahmana, kshatriya are different. But none of them are high or low as
they all culminate in the service of the same Brahman. Our own body which is a
fruit of karma should thus be offerred back to Brahman by engaging in one's own
pravrutti dharma or svadharma.

Nivrutti which is meditation on the Brahman within is the same for all as it
involves withdrawal from the senses and world and realizing Brahman within
one's own Self. That is where Jnyana Bhakti and VairAgya becomes ONE. It is
essentially the constant existence in Brahman which is nothing but Brahmacharya.
Brahmani charati iti brahmachari - One who resides/moves in Brahman is a

Thus every human endeavor could be a upAsana or meditation or yagya or puja when
one becomes conscious of Brahman or the supreme God who pervades and indwells
in all.


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