Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Man versus Machine

Can matter produce consciousness? Is Man (and all other sentient entities) a product of matter?

Going by the theory of big bang, and evolution it appears very obvious that the Self that shines in all as the seat of consciousness must be a product of matter.

But there is one problem.

Matter is inert as opposed to consciousness which is self luminous. If Matter is the cause and consciousness an effect, then it follows that Matter is potentially conscious. The reason is that the nature of the effect cannot be totally different from Or diametrically opposite to the cause.

So the idea that Matter is the cause for Consciousness falls either way!

So does it mean that Consciousness is the cause for matter? This amounts to saying light is the cause for darkness. This is not possible. But another entity in front of light can create a shadow!

Every perception proves the relation or connection between Conscious self and Matter (object) that either leads to pleasure or pain.

This "connecting reality" as the third entity, that establishes the relation between the subject and the object is what Hindus worship as God, who from the particular point of view is a Devata and from the universal point of view is the Supreme Brahman.


Q: If God is the connecting third entity then there needs to be another entity that connects this God and other entities and this leads to infinite regression.

A: The problem of infinite regression gets eliminated when God as Brahman is accepted to be all pervading and indwelling in the subject and the object and possessing the unexplainable ability to make this connection.

Q: It could be possible to create consciousness in the form of Artificial Intelligence. Machines could be made as intelligent and even emotional as Humans. So it can still be argued that there is no difference between machine or matter and man. So is there anything that really differentiates Man from such intelligent Machines?

A: No doubt, the body itself is pretty much like a machine as it is possible for humans to continue to live by replacing their body parts from someone else or even with something artificial. But that also proves that man as a subject is essentially different from the body. This cannot be the case with a machine which is just an assemblage of objective matter with no real subject in it. There is no essential something as the 'self' indwelling in the machine, that is different from the machine.

Also the process of birth, growth, reproduction and death could be one glaring difference between man and machine. Even the process of breathing, eating, digestion, circulation and so on...there seems to be something more than just matter that is keeping all the body parts together and all these intriguing biological processes going.

All living beings, endowed with consciousness, though in varying degrees invariably would like to exist, know and enjoy and be free. None of them would like to suffer, get imprisoned or die. But unfortunately everyone of them seem to be going through pain and pleasure and ultimately die. These characteristics would be very hard to find in any man made machine. All living beings in one way or other depend on each other. They are all part of a food chain that maintains itself. But it is very hard to imagine a man made machine to be like that.

So it can be said that consciousness cannot arise from matter.


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