Monday, September 3, 2018

Brahma Vishnu and Shiva

It is very well known that the four faced Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the sustainer and Shiva is the destroyer. Brahma is not worshiped widely by Hindus, but nevertheless he is held in high esteem and respect.

Vishnu and Shiva are widely worshiped and there are many vedic mantras that herald them as the supreme. But question may arise as to who is the most supreme among them.

Shiva means one who is auspicious and Vishnu means one who is everywhere. Shiva stands for the vishwa tattva or  this entire universe and Vishnu for the Vishwatma tattva or the universal spirit Self that pervades the universe. Shiva stands for dharma and Vishnu for Truth which are always inseparable. 

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Sri Krishna, shows His universal form or Vishwa rupa and identifies
himself as the Kaala or Time that devours everything. It is the maha kaala rupa of Shiva.

So the vedantic Brahman though non-dual, manifests in two forms - Truth and dharma
which stands for Vishnu and Shiva respectively. 

Intelligent Hindus should therefore worship them both and meditate on that supreme
universal being in whom all beings are existing.
