Friday, September 22, 2023

Refutation of Udayanidhi Stalin's claims

Udayanidhi Stalin - son of the chief minister of Tamilnadu, belonging to the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) - gave a public speech recently and said - Sanatana dharma is an epidemic disease just like Covid, Cholera and so on and needs to be not just controlled, but totally eliminated.

In the following video, the editor of HINDU - N.Ram justifies the denigration of sanAtana dharma by the DMK leader Udayanidhi Stalin:

He says that DMK is not denigrating Hindus in general. But their main opposition is with sanAtana (unchanging) aspect of Hinduism which is nothing but the VarnAsrama dharma or caste system. He quotes Ambedkar who says that there is nothing in the world that is not changing. But Hindus are upholding Vedas and Varnashrama dharma as sanatana or unchanging and this is the root cause for all caste related inequalities and violence and that needs to be eradicated.

When the questioner says that by referring to sanAtana they are pointing to Hindus only - Mr. Ram says "no, how can anyone oppose the majority community. They are not opposing the beliefs of Hindus and they can believe in any God they want. But the main thing to be eradicated is VarnAsrama or Caste which is denying equal treatment to dalits. 

Mr. Ram also quotes from Puri Shankaracharya Sri Bharathi Krishna Thirtha Swami's book – “sanAtana dharma”, where according to him, it is claimed that - "SanAtana dharma includes varnasrama dharma in which lower caste people cannot enter temples. They can get the same benefit as upper caste by just looking from a distance. Only upper castes have the right to do the worship in the temple". This gives undue importance to Brahmins and upper castes and denies all facilities for shudras/dalits who are lower castes. This is surely a disease and needs to be eradicated.

SanAtana means eternal or unchanging. But there is nothing in the world that is eternal. Everything is changing and the society and culture also has to change. Change is the law of life. No Hindu can justify sanAtana dharma. 

Ambedkar in his last speech says - in democracy one man stands for one vote. But SanAtana Hindu society is denying this equality. 

Reply from a SanAtani Hindu:

Mr. N. Ram is simply parroting the Buddhistic teaching that the world is changing and hence not real. He forgets the fact that the Atman / Conscious Self that witnesses change, cannot change and therefore eternal or sanAtana. The Hindu shAstra or Veda, which is rooted in this indwelling absolute eternal Self that abides in all, also has to be eternal or sanAtana.

The world may be changing, but still there is a regularity and a system in these changes. They are governed by natural laws which cannot change. The rotation and revolution of the earth and planets around the Sun, and the movement of the Sun and stars, the cycle of day and night, seasons and so on - all follow a rhythmic pattern and are governed by eternal natural laws. The nature of the five basic elements – space, air, fire, water and earth also don’t change.

The same natural laws that are governing the workings of the universe is governing the human body also. All these are due to the presence of Brahman or the universal consciousness that never changes, which always remains as the absolute cause for the entire changing universe. Modern science is now coming in terms with this VedAntic truth - but Vedic Hindu Rishis realized this thousands of years ago.

Why do we have VarnAsrama dharma? 

The Vedic view is that the entire universe is the body of the supreme God Brahman who indwells and sustains it, as the Supreme Self / ParamAtma. The structure of human family, society, world and the universe are exactly similar to the human body, where there are different parts performing their respective duties with full co-operation and unison. Every element in the universe, like earth, air, water and so on are like different parts of the cosmic body of God, engaging in their respective duties for the good of the world. Vedic Hindu God is thus teaching sanatana dharma through all the five elements and nature that are unconditionally offering themselves according to their nature to sustain all life forms. Humans are supposed to emulate the same by performing their respective duties according to their capability and capacity. Only then there can be lasting peace and harmony. 

Not all human beings are created equal. Every civilized human society and organization, will have these four varna or classes consisting of spiritual/intellectuals, administrators/defense personnel, business men/traders and laborers. These skills are a function of the individual characteristics or guna with which one is born. Though it is possible to have mobility among varnas when needed, the gunas and the respective skills run in the family. This results in caste which is nothing but an extended family that helps to retain and nurture the specific culture, diversity and lifestyle needed to sustain the skills that are useful to the society. Every caste and varna has its own unique culture and life style that is needed to discharge their respective duties. People belonging to different caste within the four varna are supposed to discharge their duties without fear or favor as a service to the indwelling God manifesting as the society, nation and the universe as a whole. Again, this is very much similar to the workings of all the different parts of the human body that engage in their respective functions as a service to the inhabiting soul. Thus, varnashrama is quite natural and spiritual. 

Mr. Ram has mis-interpreted the Puri ShankarAchArya's statement. In the book "SanAtana dharma" Swamiji has never mentioned that lower caste people should not enter temple. He only has mentioned that people who are not physically clean or if there is any birth or death in the family, such people should not enter any temple but can get the benefit by just having the darshan of the gopuram of the temple. This is applicable to all people, irrespective of caste/gender and no where he has mentioned that lower caste cannot enter temple. In fact, in the Puri Jagannath temple, people of all castes are allowed and after darshan everybody is provided with sumptuous prasad or sacred food offered to the Lord.

In a healthy body/society, all the constituent parts will be discharging their respective duty with full co-operation and unison as a service to the indwelling God established as the indwelling Self/Consciousness. In return they all get protected and nourished collectively as a whole by the Self/God. Anything that disrupts this organization results in a disease which is nothing but adharma and that needs to be eradicated.

So, Sanatana dharma is not a disease - On the contrary, Udayanidhi Stalin's claim that goes against the sanAtana dharma is a disease and that needs to be eliminated. His remark against sanAtana dharma is hitting back him only, with redoubled force.

The DMK, like any other non-Vedic / adhArmic religions, is trying in vain to divide and conquer Hindus based on varna/caste. But what unites and equalizes all Hindus belonging to various varna/caste is the One eternal God who is equally present in all. The one and the only Hindu God abiding in all as the universal absolute Self and manifesting as this universe, is both the master and servant at the same time. In the form of the universe, He is unconditionally sustaining/serving all life forms, thus teaching / leading by example. This non-dual, universal Hindu God cuts across all human created religions and sustains and unites all diversities. Even adhArmic people who denigrate Hindus are absolutely dependent for their existence on this Hindu God manifesting as the universe. DhArmic Hindus on the other hand recognize this truth and do their best to serve God manifesting as the society/universe by engaging in their respective duties/svadharma.  

Vedic VarnAsrama dharma is as timeless and eternal as the Elements/Sun/Moon/Stars and the indwelling absolute Self/Atman/Ishwara/Brahman that always remains as the source of all existence, consciousness and bliss.




  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, please share this with your friends and let all fellow Hindus become better equipped to give fitting reply for adharma.
