Monday, September 25, 2023

Refutation of Suraj Yengde's Claims - 1

In the following video, T.M.Krishnan, a famous Carnatic musician interviews Suraj Yengde (SY) - a dalit scholar from Harvard, both happily engaged in demonizing Hindu religion and Brahmins:

Every society has good (sattvic) people, bad (tamasic) people and in-between (rajasic) people. Good (sattvic) people will never oppress anyone. Generally, brahmins in India are predominantly good (sattvic) people and practice a peaceful lifestyle given to spirituality, devotion, non-violence and sacrifice. Likewise, there are so many non-brahmins also who lead a sattvic (good) life without oppressing anyone. In every society there will be cases of oppression and all kinds of oppression happens only because of lack of spiritual awareness and education. But blaming the entire community of Brahmins and others based on such stray incidents is not right. Caste is essentially an extended family and is a natural consequence of retaining the job skills within the family. In every society, people tend to keep trade secrets within the family. So, diversity of varna/caste helps to retain and nurture various job skills that are essential for the society. Thus, castes are not bad but inter-caste hatred and the feeling of high and low needs to be eliminated. All kinds of oppressions in the society needs to be condemned and people have to be educated and corrected to respect each other. The word dalit is not there in the Vedas. The Vedic varnashrama is a system that recognizes diversity in society based on the capability and tendencies of people and is based on mutual co-operation. Oppression is not prescribed in the Veda. Dalits and downtrodden people have to be educated and taken care by the society so that they can realize their true potential. But it is wrong to blame the entire brahmin community for oppressions practiced by ignorant (tamasic) people who are unfortunately in majority, in these days.

In this regard the conclusions drawn by many, so called “intellectuals” like Mr. T.M.Krishnan and Suraj Yengde, is blatantly wrong. Here is an attempt to capture their allegations or purvapaksha and refute the same:

1) "Caste is something of the past and so why do you make me pay for the atrocities done by my ancestors" - (this is supposed to be a question asked by a brahmin.)

SY: "Caste is not of the past, it is very much now. Little children are taught how to differentiate between them and others (untouchables). There are so many incidents of atrocities by brahmins on the dalits. Brahmins are only 4% but still own about 49% of assets while rest of the poor lower caste don’t own anything. These assets, brahmins have are not earned by them but have been accumulated by looting, thuggering and exploiting. But, no, they don’t have to pay anything. They just have to give up their identity and their cultural capital and return back whatever they have robbed to the lower caste.

If Dalits are getting monitory help from the govt, they are actually paying back with their services. Their labor helps to produce things in the society unlike brahmins who don’t do any physical work but still make hefty sums of money.


Well, knowledgeable traditional brahmin's will never ask such a question! because they know for sure that they have not harmed any living being and whatever they have is earned by them through dharmic means.

Yes, caste has existed in the past, existing now and will continue to exist in future. Not all humans are created equal. Every soul, the moment it is born, is casted into a body. The work that humans do for a living would always be as per the nature and capability of one's body, mind and intellect. In any free society, humans of same or similar nature and profession tend to form groups, in general. So Varnasrama, whether based on birth or guna/nature is going to be there in all human society. Yes, labor class in general would always be a majority and that simply does not make them oppressed and their employers as oppressors. This Marxist idea, pedaled by perverted intellectuals from Harward and other "elite" universities, is quite obsolete and not relevant any more. 

Hindus generally do not touch anyone. They just greet by folding hands. Brahmins themselves don't touch other brahmins and nobody touches a traditional sanyasi! Hindu parents generally teach their children to be clean, respect every human being, greet others with folded hands and to SEE God in every being and in everything in nature. This universal view gives rise to values like cleanliness, ahimsa or non-violence, mutual respect and harmony. Yes, parents may also teach children to be away from evil people, but definitely not to look down upon or hate anyone based on caste or religion. 

In the Bhagavad gita, it is taught that educated people will look upon, a learned brahmin, cow, elephant, dog and a dog eater with equal vision. So, the narrative that parents teach children how to differentiate between – “us and they (untouchables)”, is a baseless generalization.

Yes, cases of oppression and consequent retaliation has happened and can happen in all societies. That would be definitely due to ignorance and ego, that needs to be opposed and controlled and perpetrators have to be punished under the law. But it is wrong to generalize the same and label the entire varna/community as either oppressor or oppressed. This is obviously Communist / Marxist idea used to demonize Hindus and in particular brahmins. 

So, what needs to be eliminated is not the varna/caste but the feeling of high and low and the hatred that obtains between them. The VedAntic teaching of seeing One Brahman/God as the connecting link between every being belonging to any varna, should help to achieve the spiritual unity in diversity. True Brahmins are already practicing these values.

2. Upper caste includes all the forward caste. But why do you use the word brahmin?

SY: Brahmins have mistakenly taken this as applicable to them. But it is partly yes and partly no. Brahminical is the system which believes in the teaching called purusha sukta where all upper caste comes from head, hands and thighs of God while dalits come from the leg. This has given unmeritorious upper status to brahmins without having to do any work or contribute anything and lowermost status for sudras in spite of their hard work and labor. This is the root cause of discrimination. 

To counter this, we have to have a system that penetrates not just caste but other issues like sexism, misogyny and so on and Brahminical is the right word that includes all of these.


Not all humans are created equal and so their duties depend on their nature and capability. Every civilized society will have the four varnas consisting of spiritual/intellectual, Administrative / Defense, Business/Trader and Service/Labor, whether it is recognized openly or not.

In the Purusha Sukta, which is the essence of Veda, the entire universe is looked upon as the body of God! He is described to be having 1000 heads, eyes and limbs. It simply means, everybody’s head is God’s head and everybody’s limbs are God’s limbs. Every part of God is sacred. So, the idea that Sudras are considered low as they have come from God’s leg is a blatantly false. The Bhagavad Gita 11th chapter also teaches this universal form of God. Accordingly, the entire world and the society are structured and supposed to work exactly like a human body where all the different parts are engaged in discharging their respective duties without fear or favor, in total co-operation and mutual trust. The differences in the body parts are recognized and accordingly the nature of one’s duty is determined. Though there is difference in the nature of service of each body part / varna, they all ultimately culminate in the service of the Self / God only indwelling in the body/society. No other structure can be as natural and experientially real as this Self-body relation taught in the Purusha sukta

Yes, brahmana's duty is to protect the scripture by memorizing and performing sacrifice for the good of the world, and Kshatriya's duty is to protect the society as a whole and they both are supposed to do the same even at the cost of their life. That is why they are respected. On the same tone, a Brahmana without knowledge and a Kshatriya without courage to face the enemy, are totally useless and they lose all their respect. The same can be said about Vaishyas and Sudras engaged in their respective duties. People who go against this principle of not doing their sva-dharma can come from any varna. So, it is not just the birth but the conduct that makes one high or low!

It is childish to say brAhmaNas have not contributed anything to the Indian society. There is no knowledge area that brAhmanas have not excelled. In addition to protecting scriptures and being spiritual, brahmin's contribution in the field of Spirituality, Philosophy, Mathematics, Medicine, Music, Dance, Literature and so on is very well known. A true brahmin’s life is given to learning, teaching and sacrifice. Likewise, there is no part on the earth that Dharmic Kshatriyas have not ruled. No society can sustain itself if there are only traders and laborers.

3. Caste is found in all religions but why are only Hindus being targeted?

SY: Yes, this caste hierarchy is not just a Hindu thing and is present in all religions in India where women and dalits are made to wake up at 4am in the morning and clean the shit that people do. Even Ambedkar went thru caste discrimination and this is the system where the lower caste is oppressed and this is what we are fighting against.


Mr. Yengde is right for once that caste is present in every society. He should also realize that currently, it is not just dalits and women but others are also doing cleaning work, in India. As already mentioned, all cases of oppression at any point of time happens due to selfishness and ignorance and true dharmic brahmin community itself has taken many actions to eradicate that much before the British. Sri Ramanujacharya was one such spiritual saint who legitimized entry of dalits into the temple. Likewise, many other saints and sadhus have done lot of work to eliminate oppression. There have been many saints and sadhus coming from the lower caste and brahmins worship them even today.

It is true that there are still many dalit communities are still engaging themselves in sewage work and society as a whole must do everything to help them move out of that profession and improve their life condition. Nowadays, people from other communities also are engaged in cleaning/sewage work. In any society someone has to do that job and generally it is not the caste but the economic status that drives people to take up such jobs.

No society/religion is free from defects and Hinduism is flexible enough to change the smruthi texts that govern the practical aspects of social life and Sadhus and Saints have been continuously helping to reform and re-establish dharma. There are many Brahmins engaged in this kind of social reforms. Instead of demonizing true brahmins and the all-encompassing Hindu religion, dalit leaders have to recognize their good intentions and work with them co-operatively for overall good. 



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