Sunday, April 5, 2020

Truth and False

Advaitin / Non-Dualist:

Brahman/Atman/Self alone is true and the world is false.
Self is true because it is unchanging in all periods of time.
Body/world is false as it is continuously changing - or undergoes

All the many embodied selves or jivas are also ultimately false.
They are like the one Sun/Brahman reflected in many bodies/pots filled
with water. When the body/pot is destroyed the reflection/jiva merges
back into the Sun.

Dvaitin / Absolute Dualist:

The non-dualist claim has self contradiction.

If all that is created/sustained/destroyed is false, then that very
statement, which is based on sense perception, ends up as false also.
If the statement is true, then the self/Brahman will not be non-dual.

If the self is real then the body/senses/perception dependent on that
must also be real. Similarly If Brahman is real then the world dependent
on that must also be real.


There are many false views and non-existent things in the world.
If everything is out-rightly real then all such false also ends up as real.

Body and sense based perception can be taken as 'transactional or
temporary reality'. They are valid as long as the body is existing.
But the unchanging self alone can be taken as absolutely real. This
self is the all-pervading  Brahman as per Veda.

Truth is always un-created. False is that which covers the truth
or make it appear differently. When the truth is revealed false
gets destroyed. Body covers the self and make it appear differently.
When the self is identified with the non-dual Brahman which is
everywhere, the universe/body which is false will disappear or
becomes non-existent.


If the self is the all-pervading non-dual Brahman then it cannot get
covered by any second entity. But we are all currently covered by our
bodies and suffering because of that. So the self cannot be the non-dual
Brahman. The body which is dependent on and also covering the self
should also be real.


If the body is real then the self will never get liberated.


If the body is false it can never cover the self


Look upon the entire universe as the Supreme Truth/Brahman/Iswhara/God.
Every being is created / sustained and destroyed/absorbed back into That.

All divisions like true/false, self/body, dharma/adharma and so on are
within that supreme Brahman manifesting as this very universe.
Truth manifests when there is oneness in thoughts, words and deeds.
That can happen only when the thoughts, words, deeds are always
directed toward the good of the world/universe/God. True Self or
selflessness will get revealed, only then. All actions that do not have
the good of the universe as the objective is false.

Advaita says the world of plurality is false. Dvaita says it is true.
They can be reconciled only when the entire universe of plurality is seen
in the non-dual Self/Brahman and vice versa.


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