Generally in the religious circles it is believed that the samsAra or the
world is full of problems. So it needs to be shunned or avoided. The ultimate
aim is to go to the God's world or heaven, which is always perfect.
This may be true apparently. But is it really so? In my humble opinion, it all
depends on how one SEES the world.
For some (buddhists and advaitins), the world is not real, just an illusion.
For some (dvaitins and V.Advaitins) the world though real, is undesirable.
For some (atheists?), it may appear that the world is "just out there" by
sheer accident!. Some others may feel that the world won't care for them and
they don't care either. Many views are possible.
But the individual perception of the world has nothing to do with what the
world really is.
According to the Vedas the entire world is a manifestation of God. "Purusham
evEdagm sarvam" (everything is Purusha) , "Sarvam khalvidam brahma (every-
thing is Brahman) and so on explicitly state that. It is also a fact that all beings
are absolutely dependent on the world it for existence.
It is also a fact that from the body point of view, we all are IN THE WORLD.
We derive our existence from the world. All of our so called possessions
belong to the world. We as embodied individuals, are born in, exist / subsist
and return back to the world of elements only.
There seems to be no selfishness in the world. Everything like food, air,
water are given to us for free. So the ideal for humans is to mimic the same.
The world will work with us if we work with it. But the same world would
oppose us when we oppose it.
Yes, the world would be a problem if we look upon it as a mere object of
sense enjoyment. But the same world would turn out to be a solution or the
source of true happiness when we look upon it as a manifestation of God and
engage in selfless service.
All do's and don'ts, good and bad when defined from the individual point of
view would be different and conflicting. But when the same when defined from
the point of view of the world, it will always be universal and aligns with all.
As per the Veda, the world as a whole is the body of God and so service to the
world is service to God. This is the real essence of Vedic scriptures / dharma.
Unlike other individual views, this Vedic view can stand by itself as it is defined
from the point of view of the world which is common to all.
Probably that is the reason why it is called apourusheya or impersonal!??
Interestingly, when the entire world is realized as the personality of God, then
that which is impersonal ends up as extremely personal!!
The seer alone SEES!
world is full of problems. So it needs to be shunned or avoided. The ultimate
aim is to go to the God's world or heaven, which is always perfect.
This may be true apparently. But is it really so? In my humble opinion, it all
depends on how one SEES the world.
For some (buddhists and advaitins), the world is not real, just an illusion.
For some (dvaitins and V.Advaitins) the world though real, is undesirable.
For some (atheists?), it may appear that the world is "just out there" by
sheer accident!. Some others may feel that the world won't care for them and
they don't care either. Many views are possible.
But the individual perception of the world has nothing to do with what the
world really is.
According to the Vedas the entire world is a manifestation of God. "Purusham
evEdagm sarvam" (everything is Purusha) , "Sarvam khalvidam brahma (every-
thing is Brahman) and so on explicitly state that. It is also a fact that all beings
are absolutely dependent on the world it for existence.
It is also a fact that from the body point of view, we all are IN THE WORLD.
We derive our existence from the world. All of our so called possessions
belong to the world. We as embodied individuals, are born in, exist / subsist
and return back to the world of elements only.
There seems to be no selfishness in the world. Everything like food, air,
water are given to us for free. So the ideal for humans is to mimic the same.
The world will work with us if we work with it. But the same world would
oppose us when we oppose it.
Yes, the world would be a problem if we look upon it as a mere object of
sense enjoyment. But the same world would turn out to be a solution or the
source of true happiness when we look upon it as a manifestation of God and
engage in selfless service.
All do's and don'ts, good and bad when defined from the individual point of
view would be different and conflicting. But when the same when defined from
the point of view of the world, it will always be universal and aligns with all.
As per the Veda, the world as a whole is the body of God and so service to the
world is service to God. This is the real essence of Vedic scriptures / dharma.
Unlike other individual views, this Vedic view can stand by itself as it is defined
from the point of view of the world which is common to all.
Probably that is the reason why it is called apourusheya or impersonal!??
Interestingly, when the entire world is realized as the personality of God, then
that which is impersonal ends up as extremely personal!!
The seer alone SEES!
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