Friday, November 1, 2024

ShAstrayOnitvAt AdhikaraNam - A clarification

In the following Video, Sri ManidrAvida Shastrigal, explains the SrikantabhAshyam on the ShAstrayonitvAt adhikaraNam from the Brhahmasutram:

Upanyasamon Srikanthabhäsye - Sastrayonitvāt - Adikaranam | Dr. Mani Dravid | 22 10 2024

One of the unique features of Sri Shakara bhAshyam is to give two kinds of meanings for this sutra.

One is to say that Brahman/Ishwara is known only through the vEdAdi ShAstra pramAna. It is not known through any other pramANa like pratyaksha or anumAna.

The second meaning is that Brahman or Ishwara is the source of shAstra also. By this the sarvagyatva or the omniscience of Ishwara is also proved. This is special to Shankara bhAshya as it is not mentioned by Sri Ramanuja or Sri Madhwa.

But a question arises; if Brahman / Ishwara is the source of shAstra then how come Veda/shAstra is apourusheya or that which has no author? For that the answer provided is that – At the time of creation, Ishwara brings out the shAstra which was already in Him. Ishwara also does not have any dosha or defects that is seen in all ordinary beings.

The above reason is not convincing enough as other avaidhika religions also can claim validity to their scriptures based on the same argument.

The correct reason would be to identify Ishwara or parmAtma as the all-pervading and indwelling Self, supporting and sustaining the entire universe as His body. This SarvavyApi, VishwAntaryAmi Ishwara/Brahman naturally becomes the source and destination of shAstra and all name/forms in the universe.

Other religions can never claim validity to their scriptures based on the above argument because their God is not paramAtmA – the all pervading and indwelling Self of the universe!

Here is another point that is discussed:

As Veda mantras are realized by Maharshis, they also would end up as equal to Ishwara knowing everything. For this the answer given is that – yes Maharshis know all that is taught in the Vedas, but Ishwara knows even that is not taught in the Vedas.

The above seems to limit Vedas. But Vedas themselves declare that it is infinite – anantAvai vedAh. So there should not be anything that is not taught in the Vedas. But still Vedas also acknowledge that it cannot describe Ishwara/Brahman completely as He is the source of everything. This proves that Brahman is the source of Vedas also and clearly establishes that Ishwara/Brahman is higher than the Vedas and Maharshis who revealed them.



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