Thursday, January 9, 2025

Can Sanatana Dharma be eliminated?

Can the five elements – earth, water, air, fire and space be eliminated? Sun, moon, planets and stars be eliminated? The universe be eliminated? Consciousness be eliminated? Obviously, the answer is a vehement No! Elimination of these, amounts to elimination of one's own self! In that case, then Sanatana dharma also cannot be eliminated!

What is the connection? Well, Dharma is that which sustains. All these elements and entities in nature are sustaining us, by unconditionally offering themselves to us, by engaging in their respective duties according to their nature! We owe our existence to every entity in the universe, our mother, father, teacher/s, family, society and so on. When we become conscious of this truth of our absolute dependance on the universe around us, our duty towards every such entity automatically manifests as dharma.

To engage in unconditional selfless service to the society and the universe, according the innate nature, capability and capacity of our personality comprising of our body / mind / intellect, is dharma. Brahman/Ishwara or God who pervades and indwells in nature is teaching sanAtana dharma, through every element and entity in nature. We as humans only have to be in tune with Him. If not, we will end up as selfish demons who only exploit nature for sense gratification.

As atma / self is eternal / sanAtana, dharma as a duty that obtains between atma / embodied self and the ParamAtma / Universal Self is also sanAtana. In fact, the indubitable and universal Self that abides in all, goes by the name of Dharma as it sustains the body and the universe.

The body is made up of different parts and each part is engaging in its own dharma / duty in total harmony and unison with other parts so that the overall body can function normally, serving the indwelling self.

Likewise, the entire society / universe is the body of God / ParamAtma / universal Self and every embodied being is supposed to engage in their respective work / duty according to their nature / guna / varna, in total harmony and unison with all other beings, as a service to the universal Self / ParamAtma / God.     

In short, any selfless action performed with unconditional love, according to one’s guna / varna, as a service to God manifesting as the universe, for unconditionally sustaining us, is Dharma. Anything opposed to the above is adharma, which is like a disease that needs to be controlled / eliminated! That which is good for the universe, is good for the individual embodied being and not vice versa!

To give more than what we take from the world is Godly / dharma. Taking everything from the world without giving anything is demonic / adharma. 

It is interesting to note that in the overall scheme of the universe even adharma has its own place! It is not totally eliminated! Why? because adharma actually glorifies Dharma! While Dharma aims to serve God, manifesting as the universe, adharma is solely based on the body / ego, looking upon the universe as an object of sense enjoyment. Nevertheless, God, manifesting as this very universe is sustaining the bodies of adhArmic people also. The fight between dharma / suras and adharma / auras is always going to be there in the world but ultimately, Dharma alone wins, as there is perfect alignment of thoughts, words and deeds. 

Is Sanatana dharma same as varNAshrama dharma? 

SanAtana dharma is of two fold - Pravrutti (external) and Nivrutti (internal). VarNAshrama dharma comes under pravrutti as it pertains to the vocation one adopts to serve the universe.  It is only a division in labor or karma according to the nature of the body, mind and intellect which belongs to the material world. The indwelling spirit self or jiva is beyond any varna or gender. The Nivrutti aspect is to realize God who is within one's own self, through tapasya or withdrawl of the senses and mind. While pravrutti dharma differs based on the varna and ashrama, Nivrutti dharma is common for everybody. All sAdhus, sanyasis, saints, devotees, jnyAnIs and so on are also beyond any Varna as they predominantly practice Nivrutti dharma and therefore considered as manifestations of God only!   

