No, Every entity - moving or non-moving is Hindu!
How is this possible? This seems to be a very tall claim. Is this really true?
Fortunately or unfortunately that is the truth. That is because the Vedic Hindu God, Para-Brahman ParamAtma is SatchidAnanda - (the source of all) existence consciousness and bliss. He is sarvagatha - everywhere! He is sarvAtma - the soul of all. He is in every living and non-living entity.
That is the reason why a true Hindu is always peaceful. There is no real profit or loss as the entire universe is the one single body of God. In a way, it is also infinitely profitable for knowledgeable Hindus, as every experience is an encounter with God who is infinite. The entire universe is God and so every individual is an integral part of Him. Every particular identification culminates in Brahman or God. This universal view is unique to Veda and very much factual!
Every other view is always disturbed as the world is always divided into believers and non-believers. Their God is also disturbed as He mercilessly sends all non-believers, who are also his own children, into eternal hell!
Vedic Hindu God, on the other hand keeps the entire universe within Himself! All the time! All other smaller gods or divinities are also included in this all pervading universal Hindu God! and so no one has a separate existence apart from Him. All believers of any particular god, Hindu or non-Hindu, and even non-believers, are included in this all pervading Hindu God, manifesting as this very universe.
All beings - believers or otherwise, absolutely depend for their existence, on the universe, which is the body of Hindu God. Knowledgeable Hindus know and recognize this fact and others don't. That is the only difference and still it doesn't make any real difference.
Every being has to eat food for existence and food is God or Brahman! Every being has to breath air for existence and air/prANa is Brahman! All the five elements on which every being depends are Brahman! There is nothing that is Not-Brahman or A-Brahman?
Brahman manifests as the Vaishwanara agni or the Gastric fire in all beings. Every being, Hindu or otherwise, when they put any food into their mouth! are offering oblations into this inner fire of Vaishwanara. Guess what? Everybody is performing Havan or Yagya, knowingly or unknowingly.
In fact every sense object is an offering in the fire of sense organs. So all perception is a havan or yagya in the fire of senses.
Likewise, Everybody is an idol worshipper! irrespective of the world view that one subscribes to. Why and How? The body is always the idol of the spirit soul or Self. Every being on this earth will do it's best to take care of it's own body. We clean our bodies, cloth, decorate, feed and provide all the needed comfort to the our bodies but it is the soul that feels ultimately satisfied. When we worship or take care of our own body we are worshipping the Hindu God in the form of Vaishwanara residing in our body. When we worship or take care of others we are worshipping same God residing in them. Thus we all are idol worshippers, at all times!
All the above doubtlessly makes every human, nay every being, a Hindu. Any disagreement goes against experience. All conversions are superficial! Honest truth seekers have no choice but to be a Vedic Hindu!
Om tat sat