Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Is Truth or Brahman - Dvaita, Advaita or V.Advaita?

 Truth or Brahman is neither  exclusively Advaita nor Dvaita or V.Advaita. It is all rolled into one! But still it all depends on how it is realized or experienced. It exists in all, irresepective of the world view that one subscribes to. It manifests as this very universe or Vishwa also. As the indwelling Self it is always unknown as it cannot be objectified and therefore it is nirguna nirAkAra. But out of it's own grace it takes any form to bless true seekers. So says Sri Adi Shankara himself.  

As per the MandUkya Upanishad, the Self that abides in all is Brahman. It is made of four parts (as if it were,) namely - Vishwa, Taijasa, prAjya and Tureeya. These four aspects corresponding to the waking, dreaming, deep sleep and body-less/universal states could be thought of standing for Dvaita, DvaitAdvaita or Achintya bhEdAbhEda, VishishtAdvaita and Advaita respectively. From this point, all vEdAntic views are justified. When it comes to vyavahAra, Advaitins are Dvaitins. Also Dvaitin's have to accept that the worldly enjoyment is fleeting or mithya when compared to the mokshAnubhava.

So, Advaita, Dvaita and V.Advaita - the three major schools of Vedanta are not mutually exclusive. On the surface, they may appear to be drastically different from each other, but in reality they are complimentary to each other. That is because the underlying scripture of Veda which is essentially "shabda" (or sound) and the supreme Vedic truth of Brahman, which is all pervading and indwelling, is common for all. The underlying path of Dharma/Tapasya to attain that Brahman are also the same for all. The end result of Brahman could be with or without attributes depending on the type of upAsana and there is scriptural support for the same. 

The Vedic scripture has three kinds of statements. 

  • Ikya vAkyas - Identity statements that establish the oneness of jiva/jagat with Ishwara/Brahman.
  • Bheda vAkyas - Statements that establish the difference between jiva/jagat/Ishwara/Brahman
  • Ghataka vAkyas - Statements that integrate and reconcile the above two statements.
Advaita is based on the Ikya vAkyas, Dvaita on bheda vAkyAs and V.Advaita on the ghataka vAkyAs.

Scholars in all three traditions have engaged in debates to bring out the supremacy of their respective views and in that process have tried to bring out the "weaknesses" in the "opposing" views. There are strengths and weaknesses in all of them as Truth or Brahman cannot be compartmentalized. So the only way to resolve is to SEE Brahman everywhere and in everybody!

But due to many intricacies and improper or incomplete understandings in all these major schools of Vedanta and also when the analysis goes to the extreme, it is very much possible to have  misunderstandings, misconceptions or misconceived notions with regard to each of one of them.

The following are some of the misconceptions or allegations against Advaita:

  • It is covered Buddhism as it denies any reality to the world of attributes. 
  • It is atheistic as ultimately it denies God/Creation/Veda.
  • It teaches "I am God" and so it is demonic.
  • It gives less importance to Veda/karma and more to identity statements in the upanishads.

But here are some points in clarification:

  • It accepts the reality of Atman/Brahman as opposed to Buddhism.
  • It accepts Ishwara/Jiva/Jagat/Dharma as transactionally real until the attainment of Brahman. 
  • It teaches "I am Brahman" where Brahman / Self has no attributes. God or Ishwara has attributes and so I am Brahman does not mean "I am Ishwara or God". 
  • It accepts Veda/world/God as real until the attainment of Brahman.      

Here are some misconceptions about VishishtAdvaita:

  • Brahman or God is not absolutely independent.
  • Brahman or God is made up of parts consisting of soul and matter. 
  • God-soul-matter are mutually dependent.
  • God and individual souls are equal and so 'Jiva is equal to God'.
  • God transforms and becomes the world.
  • Less importance to Veda and more with Tamil pasurams of Alwars
  • Less importance to Mahabharata. 
  • Accepting both the identity and difference statements of Veda as true amounts to agreeing with both believers and non-believers of Veda/God. (This is hard to accept because both statements are made by Veda only!!

The following basic tenets of V.Advaita answers are all the above:

In V.Advaita, the relationship between God/Brahman and the world of souls/matter are exactly to the Self and body. The Self is always independent and the body is dependent on it. The Self is never affected by the problems in the body. The Self always sustains, supports, controls and uses the body for it's purpose. The body always engages in the service of the Self. Identification of the body always culminates in the Self. Body and Self are different but are inseparably one. The Brahman or God as the Self always remains the owner/controller and the jiva as the body always remains subservient to God. 

As long as one is embodied, all vedAntins including Advaitins, at least in vyavahara, have to accept the above as it is experiential and also has explicit scriptural support. 

Here are some misconceptions about or mis-claims from the Dvaita:

  • Dvaita alone accepts the validity of entire veda, upanishads and puranas
  • Based on the above, Dvaita teaches:
    • Existence of multiple realities - God, many souls and matter.  
    • Absolute reality and independence of God 
    • Absolute reality and dependence of soul / matter on God.
    • Five fold differences and gradations among souls / matter and God.

The above is a misconception because Advaitin's also accept the above in vyavahAra.

Dvaita or Tattvawada accepts the differential statements as absolutely real as they align with bodily experience and the Identity statements are interpreted in a secondary way. Advaita on the other hand accepts the identity statements as absolutely real and all differential statements are explained away in a secondary manner. In V.Advaita, all statements are absolutely and simultaneously valid as there is unity and difference in the body-soul relationship. 

But all the three darshanas accept that the Supreme Vedic Truth or Brahman is always the non-dual independent truth and the world of multifarious names/forms as dependent truth. It is also commonly accepted that the non-dual Brahman is revealing itself through all the many names/forms and the world of name/forms is the glory of Brahman which always remains as the indwelling spirit Self.

Just like Fire is one but still can exist as many, Brahman is one (without a second) and has the ability to manifest as many at the same time. Therefore Supreme Truth of Brahman is Advaita (non-dual), V.Advaita (integral), Multifarious and different from untruth also (Dvaita). 

The Supreme truth Brahman is present in all irrespective of whatever philosophy or world view one subscribes to. Cognition of this divinity at the root of all leads to unity in diversity and equanimity. Hindus/Humans need to realize this in order to restore the grandeur of Veda and Dharma.

Related previous post: Advaita, Dvaita and VishishtAdvaita



Friday, July 8, 2022

Everybody is a Hindu

No, Every entity - moving or non-moving is Hindu! 

How is this possible? This seems to be a very tall claim. Is this really true? 

Fortunately or unfortunately that is the truth. That is because the Vedic Hindu God, Para-Brahman ParamAtma is SatchidAnanda - (the source of all) existence consciousness and bliss. He is sarvagatha - everywhere! He is sarvAtma - the soul of all. He is in every living and non-living entity.

That is the reason why a true Hindu is always peaceful. There is no real profit or loss as the entire universe is the one single body of God. In a way, it is also infinitely profitable for knowledgeable Hindus, as every experience is an encounter with God who is infinite. The entire universe is God and so every individual is an integral part of Him. Every particular identification culminates in Brahman or God. This universal view is unique to Veda and very much factual!

Every other view is always disturbed as the world is always divided into believers and non-believers. Their God is also disturbed as He mercilessly sends all non-believers, who are also his own children, into eternal hell! 

Vedic Hindu God, on the other hand keeps the entire universe within Himself! All the time! All other smaller gods or divinities are also included in this all pervading universal Hindu God! and so no one has a separate existence apart from Him. All believers of any particular god, Hindu or non-Hindu, and even non-believers, are included in this all pervading Hindu God, manifesting as this very universe.

All beings - believers or otherwise, absolutely depend  for their existence, on the universe, which is the body of Hindu God. Knowledgeable Hindus know and recognize this fact and others don't. That is the only difference and still it doesn't make any real difference.

Every being has to eat food for existence and food is God or Brahman! Every being has to breath air for existence and air/prANa is Brahman! All the five elements on which every being depends are Brahman! There is nothing that is Not-Brahman or A-Brahman? 

Brahman manifests as the Vaishwanara agni or the Gastric fire in all beings. Every being, Hindu or otherwise, when they put any food into their mouth! are offering oblations into this inner fire of Vaishwanara. Guess what? Everybody is performing Havan or Yagya, knowingly or unknowingly. 

In fact every sense object is an offering in the fire of sense organs. So all perception is a havan or yagya in the fire of senses. 

Likewise, Everybody is an idol worshipper! irrespective of the world view that one subscribes to. Why and How? The body is always the idol of the spirit soul or Self. Every being on this earth will do it's best to take care of it's own body. We clean our bodies, cloth, decorate, feed and provide all the needed comfort to the our bodies but it is the soul that feels ultimately satisfied. When we worship or take care of our own body we are worshipping the Hindu God in the form of Vaishwanara residing in our body. When we worship or take care of others we are worshipping same God residing in them. Thus we all are idol worshippers, at all times!

All the above doubtlessly makes every human, nay every being, a Hindu. Any disagreement goes against experience. All conversions are superficial! Honest truth seekers have no choice but to be a Vedic Hindu!

Om tat sat



Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Dharma and Adharma

Dharma is not just religion. Unfortunately, many Indians and Hindus use the word in that limited sense. They refer to other non-Hindu religions as Christian dharma, Islam dharma and so on. Thus the sanAtana Hindu dharma also is counted as one among the many dharmas. Some people go to the extent that Hinduism is not a religion or Dharma at all. Both are incorrect.

The Manusmrithi mandates - "Vedo akhilo Dharma moolam, Adharmastad viparyayaha". That means Vedas are the root of all Dharma and Adharma is that which is opposed to it. So all other non-Vedic or non-Hindu religions like Christianity and Islam are not Dharma but that which is opposed to it Or Adharma. They could be considered as a mata or view which is limited as opposed to the unlimited Vedic ideal or reality of Dharma.

Dharma is a Sanskrit word and the etymology - "dhAryate iti dharmah" - defines Dharma as "that which sustains". Primarily, it refers to one's own duty performed as a Yagya or sacrifice or service onto the Vedic God manifesting in the form of society/nation/universe. So this cannot be anything other than sanAtana or eternal Hindu religion only. 

What sustains the world is this Eternal or SanAtana Dharma which in simple words is selfless service performed according to one's varna and ashrama - which again translates to one's capability, capacity and constitutional position in the family, society, nation and the universe. 

Many people say that Hindu dharma is not a religion and it is just a way of life. This is absurd as religion gives dos and don'ts which when followed becomes one's way of life. Vedic scripture clearly defines what is Dharma (dos) and a-Dharma (don'ts) and urges all humans to engage in Dharma. In fact every responsible human, whatever may be his or her beliefs or world view, is fundamentally Hindu/Vedic/DhArmic, as long as He or she is engaging in self-service that sustains the world.

The Supreme Vedic Hindu God, Brahman or Sarveshwara is also called Dharma, as He is the very embodiment of Truth and Dharma. The entire universe is Him and through every entity in nature, He is practicing and teaching sanAtana dharma. Every entity in nature like earth, air, water and so on are engaged in discharging their respective duty unconditionally, as a service to others. 

This Vedic God in the form of the universal spirit Self, sacrifices or divides himself mysteriously in order to create/sustain the world and finally appropriates everything into himself. The world of name/form/variety arises, remains and returns back to Him only. As He pervades, sustains and controls everything just like the spirit Self pervades, sustains and controls the body, He is aptly called Dharma. As He is everywhere, obviously He is One without a second. So philosophically Vedic Hindu God alone exists in the form of Dharma. All the many gods/religions coming under the Vedic Hindu umbrella are thus an integral part of the Supreme Vedic God Brahman who is an embodiment of Dharma.

There are many truths / elements in the world on which we depend for our existence and the one absolute Hindu God Brahman/Ishwara indwelling in all of them and so Hindus worship all of them in the form many devatas or gods. All other non-Vedic-Hindu religions obviously are opposed to this Vedic view of many gods or devatas who are integral part of the all pervading supreme Brahman. Could that be one of the reason why non-Hindu Semitic religions are called Abrahamic (or A-BrAhmic) religions? 

Whatever it is, the word Dharma is uniquely Vedic or Hindu and is not found in any other religions. So Vedic Hindu religion alone gets to be called as Dharma as it is eternal, universal and unconditional. Vedic God in the form the universe is Dharma personified as He sustains every being unconditionally. All other religions are simply untrue or ADharma as they are conditional, divisive, limited and whatever good things they have is borrowed from the universal Vedic Sanatana Dharma. 



Monday, May 2, 2022

Decolonization of India

This has become a hot topic in recent times and many Indians have started to realize the importance and the need for the decolonization of India, Indian mind and re-write the history based on facts.

But to what extend India needs to decolonize? Should we reset or revert back history to pre-British or even go all the way to pre-Muslim times? 

Many people especially from the minority community are of the view that this leads to the hatred for minorities and uprising of the Hindu supremacy and chauvinism which they usually term as the Hindu nationalism or rightwing. 

There are many independent and professional scholars like Late Dr. Prof. K. Narayanacharya, Rajiv Malhotra, J Sai Deepak, Meenakshi Jain, Vikram Sampath and so on who are of the view that decolonization must be coupled with restoration or revival of the cultural or dharmic oneness or identity of India and Indians. Even Indians who have converted and moved out of Hindu fold have to acknowledge the Hindu heritage of their ancestors. 

There are many other scholars like Ali khan mahmudabad who think that India was never a single nation at any point of time and it has always been a pot-pouri of diverse culture. It is only in the recent past the name Hindu has been popularized to create a false unity to alienate and eliminate all minority non-Hindu minorities. As a thought experiment, say if all religious minorities disappear and only Hindus alone remain in India, then the fight between all the many diverse sub-groups within so called Hindu people will begin. This is similar to Pakistan which was originally formed by fanatic Muslims who considered themselves to be "pure" but now they have started fighting and killing each other based on their own internal groups and divisions. This happens because of all such decolonization either had no clear end goal or it would be to revive and restore the "race/religious purity". The problem gets worse when this process of decolonization with the end of reinstating "religious purity" is sponsored by the state. This is like the fence eating the plants. So ideally the end goal should be based on restoring humanity which is safeguarded by the Indian Constitution that is commonly accepted by all, instead of any cultural or Hindu identity.

The point made by Ali Khan is worth noting. The pre-British-Muslim India was ruled by many small kings who were constantly fighting each other. There were many spiritual traditions also engaged in constant debates leading to unrest and intolerance. Adding to this there were caste hierarchies creating artificial division in the Hindu Indian society. We can see all of the above to some degree even today. But what kept India and its diverse culture alive is the tradition of spirituality and Dharma.

How to resolve this apparent issue of Indian disunity?

The only answer is to revive this unity under the ideal of Dharma in it's true sense of sacrifice or selfless-service. It does not matter what God/Religion/faith that Indians follow, but they should start seeing the same divinity in each other and in everything. This comes easily for Hindus as it goes well with their Vedic world view that locates God in all. But others have to at least mimic or adapt to this culture of respecting each other and accepting diversity to ensure basic humanity, resulting in peace and harmony. 

The ideal of unity in diversity is built into the Hindu dharmic culture. Dharma is not just religion. It is the art of cognizing the unity in diversity and to work co-operatively in unison with all the diverse entities with the ideal of One family/society/nation/India/world and the universe.

The Indian greeting Namaste says it all. "Parasparam bhAvayantah shreyah param avApsyatha" (the Highest can be achieved by respecting each other) says Bhagavad Gita. Both the State as well as the people should recognize and restore this culture of Dharma that sustains all. Everybody is a minority in a pluralistic Indian/Hindu society and with mutual respect they can protect each other. 



Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Are Brahmanas Oppressive?


Are Brahmanas really oppressive of the other weaker sections of the society, in particular - sudras, women and those who are outside of the varnashrama?

Many western scholars like Sheldon Pollock and others from reputed universities like Harvard, Stanford and so on, are spreading false narratives that Brahmanas created and propagated Sanskrit and wrote Vedas and related dharma shastras that are really oppressive of women, sudras and people of other faiths and they colluded with kings or kshatriyas to implement the same in the society for thousands of years.

So it is said that hatred for Brahmanas and Vedas is thus natural for people who are oppressed. So Brahmanas are the real cause for all caste and gender related evils in the society.

Let us  examine this claim impartially. 

Strong always oppresses the weak. In general, it is always true that the strong and intelligent always oppresses the weak and ignorant. This is true even in so called "highly developed and civilized societies". In general, Brahmanas and Kshatriyas are known for their intellectual and physical strengths respectively, there is always a chance for them to exploit the less intelligent and weak sections of society. There may be few such instances in the historical past. But is it always the case? There have been many great empires in India that have lasted hundreds or even thousands of years, providing very just and successful governance, all of them invariably have had able kshatriya kings guided by truly spiritual brahmanas with the prime motto of treating and protecting the nation and all subjects as their own children and family. 


The cases where there was good governance by many Hindu kings guided by brahmanas was due to strict imposition of scriptural injunctions of varnAsharama or caste hierarchy, where the exploited section of society are suppressed and will have no voice to resent.


A benefit of doubt could be given for the above, but the fact also remains that the society as a whole made great progress during such times. This overall progress in society happened in India while the rest of the world was still primitive. This is an important point to be noted.

There are no records to prove that women and sudras suffered or were leading low quality of life. On the other hand foreign travellers have everything positive to say about the Indian Hindu society at that time, especially of women and sudras and people of other faiths. It has been mentioned that everybody lived harmoniously satisfied with whatever work or profession they are engaged in, thus practicing sva-dharma without fear or favor.

Also the scripture explicitly prescribes brahmanas not to accumulate material wealth and to lead a life of renunciation. Many current day orthodox brAhmanAs and others inclined to Vedic spirituality, practice the same even today. Brahmanas invariably engage in many austerities on a regular basis and for the good of the society and the world in general. Scriptures also explicitly teach that gods rejoice where women are respected. Mother is considered as the first God. There are so many female deities heralded in the VedAs and all Hindus worship them in temples. There have been so many women rulers also in India which is very rarely found in non-Indian societies.

There have been so many women and sudra saints and spiritual personalities who are being worshipped even today by all and especially brAhmaNas. There have been so many women queens and sudra kings, who have ruled in many kingdoms in India, while it is rarely found anywhere in other countries.     

So the objection stands refuted and it can be said that when there is a combination of good brahmana and kshatriya, standing for spirituality and dharma based justice, the outcome will always be good governance. 

Oppression can result even if one them is bad Or when Kshatriyas go reckless with no guidance from brahmanas. But such situations have not lasted long and truth and dharma have always prevailed in the Indian Hindu society.

Did Brahmanas create Sanskrit language and write Vedas?

It is very well known that Vedas are author-less. The Sanskrit language also is supposed to have emanated from Ishwara's Damaruga / divine drum. So the allegation that Brahmanas created Sanskrit and Vedas is not correct. Of course they have kept the scripture alive by oral transmission which is also very unique to Indian Hindu culture. If it is said that there is no possibility of having any 'body of knowledge' or scripture without an author, still there is no one who has claimed the authorship of Vedas as it has been propagated from teacher to student orally for time immemorial. The mantras in the Vedas were realized by many different Rishis. So at least it can be claimed that Vedas do not have one single author and that  makes it comparatively secular. 

If Vedas are compiled by many Rishis, how can it have any validity, integrity or coherence?

The Vedic reality is based on the absolute reality of Brahman established as the non-dual Self that abides in all and therefore universal and impersonal. Vedas gain validity as its ultimate meaning culminates in the Supreme God/Brahman established as the universal Self that abides in all which is indubitable and undeniable and remains as the source/abode/destination of all body related spatio-temporal name/form entities. The entire universe is the body of Vedic God on whom every being depends for existence. This is very much experiential and cannot be denied by anyone.


If the indubitable universal Self gives validity to Vedas then the same Self can give validity to all other scriptures and views propounded by humans at various times.


That is not true, because those various different views never recognized God as the universal and non-dual Self that abides in all. So, they all fall into the anAtma or false category. Also looking upon the entire universe as the body of God supports varnAsrama dharma, as all the many parts of the body have their own respective duties. This universal view sets Vedas apart from all other religions. Not recognizing God as the absolute Self, automatically renders all other words/world views, as either partial or false.

Vedas are not books. They are divine words realized by Rishis and passed on from teacher to student from time immemorial. The present day brahmanas are descendants of Rishis. Brahmanas are also supposed to preserve the Vedas by memorizing, practicing and using them in their rituals and passing on the same to their progeny or students to keep the tradition alive. This also calls for very strict and disciplined life style which many traditional brahmanas have been following whole heartedly whether there is support from Kshatriyas and others or not.

Traditionally a true brAhminic life is not given to luxury, pomp and splendor and dedicated to a life of spiritual discipline and Vedic morality or Dharma. Majority of brAhmaNAs are well educated, matured, spiritual, generous, broad minded and have been contributing their best for the upliftment of the society in many different areas, even today. They are totally non-violent practicing vegetarianism. They are very truthful, honest and law abiding people whether in India or abroad. There is absolutely nil or very little criminal case against them. There is no other community in the world that is as peaceful and honest as brAhmanas.

So the question of oppression from brahmanas does not arise at all and is ill-concieved by haters of Hindu religion or dharma with the sole intention to confuse and break Hindus and India.

Objection: BrAhmanas may not be directly responsible for oppression. But they believe in purusha sukta which is the main part of their scripture Veda, that teaches that brahmanas come from the face of God, Kshatriyas from the arms, vaishyas from the thighs and sudras from the feet. This is the root of the evil of caste system that puts brahmanas on top and sudra on the bottom. Thus oppression of sudras has scriptural sanction.

Answer: Actually every part of God's body is equally sacred. Infact His feet is even more sacred. Purusha sukta is teaching that the integral oneness of all the varnas with God. The entire universe is identified as the body of God on whom every living entity absolutely depends for existence and sustenance. The four varnas are supposed to discharge their duties or svadharma, in total co-operation and unison as a service to this universal God who is protecting and sustaining all. The purpose of varnasrama is only to recognize and sustain diversity and it is only a division in labor. There is no division in God who indwells in all equally and completely as the inner spirit soul or AntaryAmi. The body is always in the service of the soul and the soul always sustains and protects the body. If a thorn pricks the leg, the mouth shouts for help and the hands rush for help. So the relation ship between so called upper caste and sudras is that of protector and the protected and never in the form oppressor and the oppressed.   

