The central teaching of Vedas is that the Brahman or God is the absolute
truth that abides in all as the inner Self. This absolute Brahman shines in
every particular entity sentient or insentient and also in the entire
universe as a whole. It is the source of all existence, consciousness
and bliss.
From this it follows that every particular countless entities and also the
entire universe is the body of God or Brahman who pervades and supports
them all. Thus Brahman as the indwelling Self in all the many name/forms is,
many and as the Self of the universe as a whole, is one. As Brahman is everywhere
it always remains as the origin, abode and destination of all name/forms.
Thus through sAmanAdhikaranya or concomitant coordination, God alone is
identified through all names and forms. Similar to how the Self alone is
identified through the body.
The relationship of body-self is also the same as word-meaning. The entire
universe is thus the manifestation of Vedic words. The entire world cognized
or experienced in the waking, dreaming and deep sleep state is denoted by the
letters A, U and M respectively, forming the sacred syllable OM. All the 33
letters of Samskritam are contained in the single syllable of OM. Each of the 33
letters in Samskritam denotes a reality and the indwelling devata who is the
controlling deity of that reality. The combined single syllable OM denotes the
supreme God, Brahman.
It can also be said that all sounds that humans can produce falls within the
three letters of A, U and M, that spans from the root of belly to the tip of
lips. It also has the silent syllable, denoting the deep sleep or Tureeya state.
All other languages, so called "vernaculars" or otherwise, are mere reflections
or sub-set of Samskritam, which always remains as the mother of all.
So the entire universe is made of the sound of Vedas or Sanskrit which is the
body or manifestation of Brahman or God who pervades and indwells in it
as the Soul or Self.
No other language in the world has this kind of Spiritual origin and universal
structure. Thus Vedas or Samskritam, is the language of God who is the spirit
Self or the Soul of the entire universe.
Everything in Samskritam is etymological. The word Samskritam itself means
"that which is purified and has the ability to purify". So all humans who would
like to purify themselves must learn Samskritam, before leaving this world.
truth that abides in all as the inner Self. This absolute Brahman shines in
every particular entity sentient or insentient and also in the entire
universe as a whole. It is the source of all existence, consciousness
and bliss.
From this it follows that every particular countless entities and also the
entire universe is the body of God or Brahman who pervades and supports
them all. Thus Brahman as the indwelling Self in all the many name/forms is,
many and as the Self of the universe as a whole, is one. As Brahman is everywhere
it always remains as the origin, abode and destination of all name/forms.
Thus through sAmanAdhikaranya or concomitant coordination, God alone is
identified through all names and forms. Similar to how the Self alone is
identified through the body.
The relationship of body-self is also the same as word-meaning. The entire
universe is thus the manifestation of Vedic words. The entire world cognized
or experienced in the waking, dreaming and deep sleep state is denoted by the
letters A, U and M respectively, forming the sacred syllable OM. All the 33
letters of Samskritam are contained in the single syllable of OM. Each of the 33
letters in Samskritam denotes a reality and the indwelling devata who is the
controlling deity of that reality. The combined single syllable OM denotes the
supreme God, Brahman.
It can also be said that all sounds that humans can produce falls within the
three letters of A, U and M, that spans from the root of belly to the tip of
lips. It also has the silent syllable, denoting the deep sleep or Tureeya state.
All other languages, so called "vernaculars" or otherwise, are mere reflections
or sub-set of Samskritam, which always remains as the mother of all.
So the entire universe is made of the sound of Vedas or Sanskrit which is the
body or manifestation of Brahman or God who pervades and indwells in it
as the Soul or Self.
No other language in the world has this kind of Spiritual origin and universal
structure. Thus Vedas or Samskritam, is the language of God who is the spirit
Self or the Soul of the entire universe.
Everything in Samskritam is etymological. The word Samskritam itself means
"that which is purified and has the ability to purify". So all humans who would
like to purify themselves must learn Samskritam, before leaving this world.